Radio. Somebody's got to do it. And I'm happy when that somebody is me. I'm a diehard radio fan. This first campaign was inspired by Keith Morrison of Dateline fame. My wife has been crushing on the man since her tweens. I tried to cast him for this, but he claimed he couldn't because of "journalistic ethics." Whatever, Keith. But I did save the voicemail he left. Swoon.
Keeping the theme of radio with D-list celebs, this campaign was voiced by Alan Kalter. Dave Letterman's announcer and oft-shirtless companion. Who, Google tells me, is still alive. I'm 99.9% sure he kept his shirt on for the entirety of this recording session...98% sure.
Last one. GEICO wanted over one hundred of these spots. Each unique to an American city. Once I scraped the carpal tunnel out of my wrists, I decided I liked this campaign. Oh, and Joey from Full House voices them. Cut. It. Out.